Flammable gas emergency response 101 - 8 hours
This course is about how to safely respond to propane emergencies. Propane is a flammable gas, which is sometimes generically referred to as LP-Gas, LPG or liquefied petroleum gas. These terms are often used interchangeably and while it is true they have similar fire hazards; propane is only one of several constituent gases which make up liquefied petroleum gas. For example, commercial grade LPG manufactured at a refinery is primarily made up of propane-butane mixtures, but might also contain small percentages of ethane, ethylene, propylene, isobutene, or butylene, all of which can cause slight variation in LPG's properties (e.g. flammable range, vapor pressure, etc.). So while it is true all LPG is primarily a mixture of flammable gasses, which includes propane, the majority of the LP-gas used in our homes and in the workplace primarily consists of propane or some combination of propane and butane mixtures.
student maximum
of completion
Truck w/ Trailer with Propane control systems, props, large residential ASME tank