MC - 306 / 406 Fuel tanker incident response - 8 hours
This course is designed to give first responders the needed information and skills to respond safety to a MC-306/406 incident. While MC-306/406 incidents are becoming more prevalent due to the movement of fuel across the county, responders are still untrained and IL prepared. This course starts with a classroom presentation on the safety features of the MC-306/406 and the construction features of the cargo tank, then practical skills are developed on a rolled over MC-306. Several of the LETS instructors hold a Pro Board Cargo Tank Specialty Certification and will be utilized in this training.
student maximum
of completion
Full Size Rolled MC -306, Transfer equipment (Pump, Air Compressor, Dome clamp, grounding and bonding materials, Foam application devices, SEMI truck & Trailer to Move Rolled MC-306.